Category : News

The Cost of a Bad Hire

The Cost of a Bad Hire

Our last blog illustrated the significant and tangible performance lifts associated with top talent). The value of attracting and selecting top talent cannot be undervalued or overlooked, nor can the direct and indirect costs associated with making a bad hire. Take...
The True Value of Hiring a Top Performer

The True Value of Hiring a Top Performer

There appears to be a generalized belief that performance is a relatively linear construct. Consequently, while most recruiters and hiring mangers will agree there is a tangible benefit associated with hiring top performers, they also believe they are only...
TalentNest is now SOC 2 Type 1 Certified

TalentNest is now SOC 2 Type 1 Certified

Self Management Group’s TalentNest application is proud to announce that we have successfully completed a SOC 2 Type 1 audit with a clean attestation report. This rigorous, independent third-party assessment of our system and organization controls serves as...